Worship Service


Sunday: 7:45 AM Men's Book Study & Breakfast 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship and Valley Kids . Wednesday (SEP-APR):6:15-8 PM SMYDEK (Youth)6:30-8 PM AWANA (Children)

 June 23, 2024

 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 PO Box 1, 11402 Ridge Lane Monrovia, MD 21770

Worship Time led by Glenn Robinson and the Worship Team. Pastor Mike Yoho brings the message God has laid on his heart.

Choose the option that best fits you and your family’s situation:  1) Worship in the     sanctuary, 2) Join us in the parking lot on Sunday; tune to 87.9  FM or 3) view the streaming on Facebook (Sunday & Wed.) with videos posted on our website, fbcgv.com and YouTube. Adult Sunday School with Rob Krop at 10 AM and Worship Time with The Robinsons & Pastor Mike at 11.